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Connect FeedBear to 5,000+ apps for almost infinite possibilities. Receive triggers for feedback, ideas and comments and store your data in any other application.

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Integrate FeedBear in your own workflow

Easy Automation

Our Zapier integration connects FeedBear to 5,000+ apps, enabling seamless automation and data management. With triggers for feedback, ideas, and comments, you can store data in any application of your choice.

Optimize your workflow and boost productivity with the seamless integration of FeedBear and Zapier. Automate tasks and actions based on events like new subscribers, votes, and ideas. Accomplish more in less time by streamlining your automated processes.

Experience the power of the FeedBear-Zapier integration, connecting your ideas and feedback with preferred apps. Streamline workflows, save time, and increase productivity.


Connect FeedBear to 5,000+ apps for almost infinite possibilities. Receive triggers for feedback, ideas and comments and store your data in any other application.

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Collect customer feedback the easy way.

Bring feedback, ideas and feature requests in one place with FeedBear, so you can focus on what matters. Start your 30-day free trial today – no credit card required.
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Capterra 4.8/5 stars of 22 reviews.Trustpilot 4.4/5 stars of 27 reviews.
Markup Hero feedback board.

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Gather feedback during customer support
Our Intercom widget allows your users to express their ideas without leaving your app. Our Intercom app (coming soon) lets you add ideas to your board directly from intercom messages.
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Turn ideas into tasks in Trello
Got a great idea from a customer or team member? Convert that into a Trello task and add it to your backlog in one click.
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Prepare for the next sprint in Jira
Once ideas are validated by feedback, votes and comments from customers, quickly add them as issues in Jira for a new sprint.
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