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December 18, 2023

10 Customer Feedback Form Examples to Help You Get More Actionable Insights

Customer feedback forms play an essential role in any product management operation. They help you gather important feedback from your customers so that you can improve your products and services.

They are used for various purposes like tracking customer satisfaction, gathering feedback about products or services, or collecting suggestions from customers. In this article, we will discuss 10 customer feedback form examples that you can use to get more actionable insights from your customers!

What Makes a Feedback Form Work?

There are a few key things that make a feedback form work well.

The first is that it's easy to use. The form should be short and simple, with just a few fields for the user to fill out. Second, feedback is actually used. The company or organization receiving the feedback needs to read and act on it. Otherwise, it's pointless collecting it in the first place.

Third, there's a response mechanism in place so the user can receive confirmation that their feedback was received and/or acted upon. Finally, the form is easy to find on the website. It should be prominently displayed and easily accessible from any page on the site.

Here are some handy tips to make your next feedback form a success:

  1. Use clear, concise language.
  2. Make it easy to submit feedback anonymously if desired.
  3. Include questions that solicit specific feedback (e.g., about the product, customer service, website design, etc.).
  4. Keep the form concise – no more than 5-7 questions max.
  5. Thank users for their feedback!
  6. If you keep these things in mind, you can create a customer feedback form that will help you get the insights you need to improve your business.

10 Customer Feedback Form Examples

Here are ten examples of customer feedback forms that you can use to get more actionable insights from your customers:

Example #01: Customer Satisfaction Survey

This survey asks customers to rate their satisfaction with your product or service on a scale of one to five. It also asks customers to leave comments about their experience. This feedback form helps track customer satisfaction over time and identifies areas where you need to improve.

Example of a CSAT survey by Survicate

Example of a CSAT survey by Survicate

Example #02: Product Feedback Form

This feedback form asks customers for their thoughts and opinions about a specific product. It can be used to gather feedback about new products or to improve existing products. This form helps identify areas where customers are having issues with your product, or where they would like to see improvements.


Example of a product feedback form in Jotform

Example #03: Service Feedback Form

This feedback form asks customers for their thoughts and opinions about a specific service. It can be used to gather feedback about new services or to improve existing services. This form helps identify areas where customers are having issues with a service, or where they would like to see improvements.

Example #04: Suggestion Box Form

This form allows customers to submit suggestions for products, services, or improvements to your business. This is a great way to get ideas from customers about how you can improve your business.


A suggestions box form made in ProProfs

Example #05: Complaint Form

This form allows customers to submit complaints about products, services, or your business in general. This feedback is important to identify and resolve issues that customers are having.

Example #06: Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey

This survey asks customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service to a friend or family member. It is a helpful way to track customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.


NPS survey in Delighted

Example #07: Customer Feedback Form

This feedback form can be used to gather general feedback from customers about your products, services, or business in general. It is a helpful way to track customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.

Example #08: Event Feedback Form

This feedback form can be used to gather feedback from customers about an event that you have held. It is a helpful way to track customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.


Event feedback form in QuestionPro

Example #09: Course Feedback Form

This feedback form can be used to gather feedback from customers about a course that you have offered. It is a helpful way to track customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.

Example #010: Website Feedback Form

This feedback form can be used to gather feedback from customers about your website. It is a helpful way to track customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.


Website feedback form in Smartsheet

By using one or more of these customer feedback form examples, you can get more actionable insights from your customers. Which form you use will depend on your specific needs, but all of these forms can help improve your business.

How To Use Customer Feedback Forms

Now that you know what customer feedback forms are and have some examples to use, it's time to learn how to use them. Here are a few tips:

  • Use multiple forms: By using multiple forms, you can gather different types of information from your customers. This will help you get a more well-rounded view of their experience.
  • Use surveys: Surveys are a great way to collect actionable data from your customers. They can be used to track customer satisfaction, identify areas of improvement, and gather suggestions.
  • Use comments: Comments are an important part of customer feedback. They allow customers to leave their thoughts and opinions about their experience. This feedback is important to improve your products and services.
  • Use reviews: Reviews are a helpful way to track customer satisfaction. They can be used to identify areas of improvement and compare different products or services.
  • Use social media: Social media is a great platform for collecting customer feedback. You can use it to post surveys, collect comments, and track ratings.

By following these tips, you can use customer feedback forms to get more actionable insights from your customers. Implementing these forms will help you improve your products and services and provide a better experience for your customers.

What Kind of Information Can Be Collected with A Customer Feedback Form?

Customer feedback forms can be used to collect a variety of information from your customers. This information can be used to improve your products and services. Here are some examples of the type of information that can be collected with a customer feedback form:

  • Customer satisfaction levels – for example, how satisfied are they with your product or service?
  • What do they think of your customer service?
  • How easy is it to use your product or service?
  • What do they think of your company’s branding?
  • Do they have any suggestions for improvements?
  • Would they recommend your product or service to others?
  • Product or service quality – for example, what do they think of the quality of your product or service?
  • Value for money – for example, do they feel that your product or service is good value for money?
  • Suggestions for improvement – for example, what suggestions do they have for improving your product or service?
  • Complaints – for example, what complaints do they have about your product or service?

If you’re not sure what kind of information to collect, start by thinking about the areas you want to improve in your business. Then, create questions that will help you gather the information you need to make those improvements.

What Kind of Questions Should Be Included in A Customer Feedback Form?

The questions you include in your customer feedback form will depend on the type of information you want to collect. However, some general question types can be used to collect all sorts of useful information from your customers. Here are some examples of questions that can be used in a customer feedback form:

  • What was your overall experience with our product/service?
  • Were you satisfied with the quality of our product/service?
  • Would you recommend our product/service to others?
  • What could we improve about our product/service?
  • Was there anything you didn't like about our product/service?
  • What did you think of our customer service?
  • Was the pricing of our product/service fair?
  • What other products/services would you like to see us offer?
  • If you could change one thing about our product/service, what would it be?
  • Do you have any other suggestions or feedback for us?

Asking your customers questions like these will help you to get a better understanding of their needs and wants. You can then use this information to improve your product or service and provide your customers with a better overall experience.

How to Analyze Customer Feedback?

Once you've collected customer feedback, it's important to take the time to analyze it. This will help you to identify any patterns or trends in the data. For example, if you notice that a lot of customers are unhappy with your product, you can take steps to improve it. Similarly, if you notice that your pricing is unfair, you can adjust it accordingly.

Here are some tips for analyzing customer feedback:

  • Read through all of the responses carefully.
  • Highlight any key points or themes that emerge.
  • Identify any areas where improvements can be made.
  • Make changes to your product or service based on the feedback you've received.
  • Continue to collect and analyze customer feedback regularly.

By taking the time to analyze customer feedback, you can make changes that will improve your business and keep your customers happy.

FeedBear, a better alternative to feedback forms and customer satisfaction surveys

What makes FeedBear the best customer feedback tool?

It's simple: we make it easy to collect and analyze customer feedback.

Our platform is designed to help you get more actionable insights from your customers.

#1 Constant feedback and ideas

You can easily collect feedback from your customers at any time with our easy-to-use feedback forms. Plus, our platform makes it easy to analyze the data you've collected.

FeedBear - Idea board.png

#2 Involve customers in product development

With FeedBear, you can involve your customers in product development. Our platform makes it easy to gather customer feedback and ideas.

Plus, we provide you with the tools you need to make changes based on the feedback you've received.

#3 Dig deeper with discussions

FeedBear makes it possible to dig deeper into customer feedback with discussions, as well as get more actionable insights. Our platform is designed to help you get the most out of your customer feedback.

FeedBear COmment Section.png

By using FeedBear, you can be sure that you're getting the most accurate and actionable feedback from your customers. We make it easy to collect and analyze customer feedback, so you can make changes that will improve your business.

#4 Collect votes to help you prioritize

With FeedBear, you can collect votes to help you prioritize customer feedback. This makes it easy to see which feedback is most important to your customers.

Feature Voting.png

#5 Share a public roadmap

If you're looking for a way to increase transparency with your customers, look no further than FeedBear. Our platform makes it easy to share a public roadmap with your customers. This way, they can see what you're working on and provide feedback.


#6 Keep customers engaged

What would customer feedback be without customer engagement? As you collect feedback from your customers, you can also keep them engaged with FeedBear. Our platform makes it easy to keep customers updated on your progress.

#7 Update customers automatically with email notifications

There is nothing better than automated email notifications when it comes to customer feedback. With FeedBear, you can update your customers automatically with email notifications. This way, they always know what's going on with your product or service.

Email notifications are a great way to keep your customers updated on your progress and let them know when new changes have been made.

changelog by FeedBear used by BackupSheep

If you're looking for a better way to collect and analyze customer feedback, look no further than FeedBear. We make it easy to get more actionable insights from your customers.


Customer feedback is essential for any business. By taking the time to collect and analyze customer feedback, you can make changes that will improve your business. With FeedBear, you can easily collect and analyze customer feedback. We make it easy to get more actionable insights from your customers. Try FeedBear today!

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Markup Hero feedback board.

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Bring feedback, ideas and feature requests in one place with FeedBear, so you can focus on what matters. Start your 14-day free trial today – no credit card required.

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